Tuesday, April 9, 2013


running my long bony fingers
thru these longs thin dreads
i am reminded of the who i used to be
and the man i will become

my roots
and my future

they remind me of my patient dedication to my dreams

they remind me of my inseparable bond
between my family
my woman
and myself

yes, they remind me of myself
my bond with myself
and my own isolated space in the universe

they remind me of a softly setting sun
casting shadows on a cool drinking hole
at dusk

they remind me of children
black children
naked and unashamed
cloaked in the warm gentle breeze
of a grassy plain

they remind me of music
a calypso hip-so beat
backed by the effortless rhythms
of an easy skankin’ singer

they remind me of youth
strong and unaware
boldly and blindly going
where they’ve never dreamt of

they remind me of the earth
filling my splayed fingers with handful, after handful
of the rich brown soil

locks, i am not ashamed of you

for no matter how many raised eyebrows
no matter how many odd stares
no matter how many up turned noses
or rasta jokes
or failed interviews
i will not forsake you

let them turn their heads in disgust and utter ignorance
let them cast unforgiving glances of spite and repulse

let them stare
let them stare
let them stare

and secretly wish that they too could love you

the way i do

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