Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A Quick Smile

So there's a guy working the kiosk at Grand Central where I always go to get 
my Backstage magazine. The new copies come out every Thursday, and it always
lists new casting notices and articles about the latest hot actor or buzz worthy 

The bustle of the wide walk ways somehow clears my head, and you can usually
catch a pretty solid band on the platform. It's always the same guy on Thursdays,
and darn it if he doesn't remember me now. 

I'll get a quick smile and he'll usually even ask me about whatever new project
I have going on these days. 

Honestly, this is a pretty small thing in a day in the life of an actor, but I gotta
admit, its kind of nice. New York is a big place, and the streets are lined with 
unfulfilled dreams. The industry can be a lonely place. If there's a certain kiosk
spot or a coffee shop thats on your walking schedule, I say become a regular.

Believe it or not, the city is rooting for you. They just have to get to know you
a bit before they'll show it. 

A quick smile goes a long way.